
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Ibrahim's intention was accepted by Allah,
Bear witness and fall into submission,
And listen to the earth weep
As it remembers the day
It kissed the forehead of Husayn.

© Jibrael

Old poem - untitled

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
This is a poem I wrote a long time ago, when I was much much younger. I found it among some things when I was cleaning up.

You changed my world
You changed my life.

You are the single Angel of Jannat
That altered the course of my destiny.

Allah took your noor, from the land of the Angels
And he re-created you
Now you are the noor from the land of my heart
You have become the Destiny of my life.

If only you knew
The depths I would travel
The heights I would scale
The mysteries I would unravel

Ya Allah! Send me Babel.
I will climb it for her and steal its jewel

I see in my dreams
Your face and you smile
I wish in my heart
To be by your side again

To feel you in my arms
To touch you once more
I would give up heaven
I see the depths of your eyes
And I become lost
I drop my compass, and I burn my map
Because to spend eternity in your heart.
Allah know's that is my jannat.

© Jibrael Hussain

Earthly Contradiction & Heavenly Union

Thursday, June 02, 2005
All I see is Your Light.
All I breathe is Your Fragrance.
All I feel is Your Mercy.
All I crave is Your Closeness.

I love to be in Your Garden.
Intoxicated by the nectar of Your Rose.
Why do you send my back to the hive?
Why does winter starve me
Of that Celestial Garden that is You?

The flames of my heart,
Are burnt in Your Burning Bush.
The rivers of blood within me,
Are engulfed in the redness of Your Wine.

I long to be that lonesome tree,
Standing against every storm.
Waiting for that Flash from the heavens,
That I may be annihilated,
And as ash rejoin the Earth from which I came.

Oh Allah!
Swallow me into your Tornado,
I want to feel the Touch of God.
In that Swirling Storm,
That frenzied madness,
I want to experience,
The serenity of your Eye,
And the violence of Your Massacre.

Tear this cage of mine apart,
In that earthly contradiction,
And that heavenly union

Because it is only You,
Who can truly set me free.

© Jibrael